Discourse Analysis of the Country’s Electricity Sector Management and Policy Making

Document Type : Research Article (Original Article)


PhD in Science and Technology Policy, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.


The present study aims to analyze the discourse of management and policy-making in the field of electricity in the country to study and analyze the text of 100 interviews, lectures, statements and quotations conducted in this regard in the years after the revolution; Based on the theory of Laclau and Moff discourse,it focuses on specific themes and their elaboration Thus, first the main themes and axes of policymakers' discourse were extracted and then it was determined which themes have a special position and how they are placed in that discourse according to other themes. The main themes and axes of the dominant discourse entitled "Development based on the abundance of fossil resources in the country" are: "Sustainable electricity supply", "Self-sufficiency and self-reliance in the electricity industry", "Economic supply of electricity" and "Poverty alleviation and justice", have been elaborated around the central slab of "fossil fuel-based development". Analyzing the discourse of policymakers showed that they see the issues of electricity supply in the context of the "fossil electricity discourse" which is at the heart of "fossil fuel development". In this way, all their actions become meaningful in the context of the fossil regime discourse, and this discourse has been able to marginalize other sub-discourses, whether modifying or opposing the use of this energy, restructuring the electricity, nuclear and renewable
industries, and this discource masters its concepts and achieves hegemony.


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